Constantia Kloof North Residents Against Crime was formed in May 1997 in an effort to fight crime in the area. It consists of residents who volunteer their time to help combat crime and keep the area safe for all residents. CKNRAC wants to create an environment where residents and neighbours know each other, look out for each other and eliminate crime. The Association co-operates with the Honeydew police, and is a non-profit organisation. Are you a “potential member” or are you a “member”? Please folks, join up and become PROACTIVE! Your membership will help finance the Administration of the Association, and support the Community Policing Forum. The more members we have the more we are able to do for our community. Have you got your board yet? If so, is it up? Your membership is also needed as we need help with the many functions of CKN. A limited number of folk are running with many tasks and their time is limited. Let’s share the load. You have relied on CKN; can we rely on you ? Please get involved in the area. We all benefit. Remember members of CKN receive no payment for the work they do.MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS
R350 per month. This includes the amount which CKNRAC pays towards the DOWRY Security Patrol car. A R50 joining fee with your first month’s membership will cover your membership board and car stickers. Any member who feels this is too high can contact John Baisley to discuss it with him. The committee can accommodate people who are unable to pay the full amount. There is an online Membership application form which you can fill in and send. Click here to download the ConstitutionREGULAR E-MAIL ADVICE ABOUT CRIME INCIDENTS
If you have an email address please let me have it. I send out regular updates of what is going in CKN. As simple as it sounds, one of these advices may just save a life. The mailing list is kept confidential and you will not receive junk mail. If you are not receiving at least one email from me weekly, you are not on the mailing list. Send an email to chairman@nullckn.org.za if you want to be on the mailing list. This service is for members only.ABOUT WHATSAPP GROUPS
We have three types of WhatsApp groups for members. EMERGENCY groups are for security issues such as suspicious vehicles, open gates, reporting crimes. The Dowry cars belong to this group and will respond to emergency issues. They might miss something important if these groups are filled with other issues so please try to use this group for security and emergency issues only. There are 4 identical groups to cope with the numbers of residents. The COMMUNITY group is for community support, for example getting help for a problem, asking for referrals to find a gardener or gate repair company. You can post information that might be helpful to your neighbours. It is also possible to advertise household goods for sale like baby goods or a bicycle. Lost or found animals can also be posted here. NB John is not on this group. The WARD 89 group is for ALL city council matters. Water, electricity, refuse removal etc. Cynthia is our representative on the Ward Committee and works under our Councillor, Amelia Bester and deals with these matters. Please contact me if you wish to be added to a group. I will need your full name, address and the group or groups you wish to be added to. GROUPS ARE FOR CKN MEMBERS ONLY. Please keep racial, political and religious comments off the groups. People who abuse this request will be removed.FINANCES
The running of the 24-hour patrol is presently taking most of the funds collected on a monthly basis. This is however a good cause as can be seen from the monthly crime statistics. Please support this endeavour as the more cash we collect each month, the more we can contribute to the area. Please check that you are contributing on a regular basis as irregular payments make it difficult to budget. Please pay to CKN by electronic transfer, or we will collect a cheque from you if need be. Please use your street address when paying by EFT . Many payments received are not being allocated correctly because no reference number is quoted. Financial Statements are available on request. Our Treasurer is Lloyd Pretious, Tel: 083 325 8487 or alternatively Athelie Park, Tel: 082 779 3602 Please give your name and street address as reference when paying by direct deposit.HOW DO I PAY?
- Cash / cheque to your street helper
- Contact a committee member to collect
- Direct deposit into the bank account
Bank | ABSA |
Branch | Clearwater |
Account No | 730 172 885 |
Name | CKNRAC (Constantia Kloof North – Residents Against Crime) |
Amount | R 350 per month (or whatever you can afford) |
Reference | Your surname, street name and number |
Committee activities Attend Monthly CPF meetings Attend monthly committee meetings Compile and distribute Newsletter Co-ordinate projects Control finances WhatsApp and BBM groups for emergency notifications. Community projects Adopt a neighbour Know your street helper Information on notice boards at entrances to suburb Developing and cleaning parks Numbering of houses and street names Cleaning the area Speed control measures Fence off certain problem areas. Domestic Watch Educate the people who work for you Create a network of domestics who can help to combat crime in the area Resident Patrols Patrol the area in their own vehicles, ie. proactive patrolling Identify and report suspect individuals and vehicles Create visibility. Membership package Membership board for your house Stickers to identify vehicles belonging in the area Your family details on a secure database in case of emergency.Contact the Chairman for further information John Baisley 011 679-5063
The Honeydew precinct serves 100 000 households, with one police officer for 3000 people. The Police cannot protect everyone due to a lack of manpower and finance. The Honeydew CPF is the link between Honeydew SAPS and the Residents’ Associations. By maintaining this close relationship, the police are able to use the community to help them in their crime prevention work.